Readers’ Puzzle Quilt

 In Bare Puzzles, Grades 1 - 5

A “Quilt” will be made with puzzle pieces that are designed after books read by students

Level: 2-4
Originated by: Treetop Publishing


Throughout the American past, quilting has been many things and served many purposes: a reason for a social gathering, a commemoration of major life events, a collection of group, family and individual histories. The small portions of the quilt represent the efforts of one worker whose talents and spirit are reflected in a single patch. The patches are stitched together as a community function and form a representative collection greater than the total of the individual parts. Sometimes there may be several hundred patches in one quilt.

You are going to create such a quilt representing the combined reading talents of all readers. After reading a book, each person will create a puzzle piece that will be put together with all the other pieces forming the Readers’ Puzzle Quilt.

Provide the following information on each puzzle piece:

  • Title of the Book
  • Author’s name
  • Number of Pages
  • Your Name
  • Your Teacher’s Name
  • The Theme or Lesson of the Book (can be written on the back of the puzzle piece)
  • A colored drawing depicting a major scene from the book.

Display the puzzle outside the classroom for all to see, announcing your individual and group success!

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