A vacation journal to replace regular assignments when students are gone during the school year Level: Any Originated by: Linda Williams, Racine, WI Students will prepare a [...]
Originated by: Treetop Publishing Mixed Up Fairytales Snow White and the Three Pigs? No – it’s Goldilocks in the Bean Stalk. Pick characters from different stories and make a unique [...]
An individualized reference for spelling and other useful writing tips. Level: All Originated by: Treetop Publishing Even as adults we occasionally need to look up words that we keep [...]
Write your own magazine based on your interests. Level: Jr/Sr High School Originated by: Treetop Publishing This is a great project for groups or individuals. Pick a magazine topic based [...]
Students will tell a story through letters and postcards Level: Jr. Sr. High School Originated by: Ms. Connie Jonett, Stratford High School, Stratford, Wisconsin Students will work in [...]
Students spend a million dollars to see how far it goes – or doesn’t go. Level: Jr/Sr High School Originated by: Treetop Publishing Would you be rich? Yes, even in today’s terms, a [...]
Students will research and use a budget to plan their “Dream Vacation” Level: Jr. Sr. High School Originated by: Treetop Publishing If your students could take a trip anywhere in the [...]
Students look at both sides of an issue and come up with ideas for a solution. Level: Jr/Sr High School Originated by: Treetop Publishing Using a topic being studied in class, a current [...]